Now is the time for the millennial generation to stand up! Our purpose is to outline and explore what a millennial Christian life looks like and to cultivate organic relationships with Christ. Our three major focuses will be to engage the community around us, build a healthy network amongst our peers, and to breed authentic Christian lives. Our young adult community is for those ages 18-35.
Our young adult ministry aims to reach our community in three ways:
Hangouts- This is our opportunity to CONNECT. We want to create genuine relationships by doing life together and touching various interests in our generation.
Community- Following after Christ, we want to make the word tangible and touch our community. Let’s give unto others what has been given unto us! We have community service outreach opportunities every 2ndSaturday’s for our young adults to engage in.
Word- We want to make sure we are continually feeding ourselves with the word of God. We will have LifeTalks every 3rdFriday, Sunday School every Sunday, and various worship opportunities that will ultimately build our faith and strengthen our relationship with Christ.
Connect Opportunities-
• 2nd Saturdays - Community Outreach
• 3rd Fridays - Life Group- 7 PM
• 4th Saturdays - Hangouts
• Every Sundays - “Sunday School”