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Grace and Peace New Creation,


In an effort to keep our members up to date regarding the current changes from the effects of the recent COVID-19 virus, here are a few answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please click on the down arrow next to the question to view the answers.

  • How has the COVID Virus affected New Creation?
    The virus has caused New Creation to shift the way we minister to our members and to the public. Because of the declared health emergency, our leaders have identified those who are the essential personnel needed for a worship service and have instructed all others to remain at home. All services will be streamed online and members are encouraged to view the services from their homes.
  • How long will we conduct our services online?
    We will conduct all worship services online until local and federal governments tell us that it is safe to welcome members back to the church.
  • Why is it so important for members to stay away from the church at this time?
    The COVID-19 virus can be passed very easily. By practicing social distancing (staying 6 feet away from each other), we are reducing the risk of participating in the spread of the virus. Staying away protects our young and older members and ministry leaders.
  • How will ministries be sustained during the time when members cannot come to the church?
    We are encouraging Ministry Leaders to stay connected with their members through video conferencing and teleconferencing. A conference call line has been established specifically for Ministry leaders. To reserve the conference call number, Ministry Leaders should call the church office to request use of the call. We are also going to encourage connection to a Life Group so up to date information and questions can be received and shared on real time basis.
  • How is the children’s ministry affected by the recent changes?
    Our Children’s Ministry Director is staying in touch with parents and sending daily devotionals every week along with links to resources to assist with meals and learning alternatives.
  • How is benevolence being handled?
    Each benevolence request is being handled on a case by case basis. Our Pastoral Care ministry is ready to support where needed. Contact the office (210) 646-7997 ext 126 or send a request through the website.
  • What’s the best way to get answers to questions?
    The best way to get answers to questions is to send a question through the website or contact the office at (210) 646-7997 during office hours. Staff members stand ready to help.
  • How do I connect with someone if I need prayer?
    Someone from the church is available for prayer through contacting the Pastoral Care Office at 210.646.7997 ext. 126 or through the Presbyter on Call line at 210.837.5343.
  • What are the office hours during the day?
    The New Creation office will be open from 9:00am to 3:00pm, Tuesday through Friday. Staff members will be on site to facilitate streamed services on Sundays and Wednesdays. The office is closed on Saturdays and Mondays.
  • When are the streamed worship services?
    Worship services will be streamed on Wednesdays at 7:00pm and Sundays at 10:00am. During this season, we will only have one Sunday service.
  • How are the Sites affected?
    The Northwest and New Braunfels locations will temporarily join in with the main campus services on Wednesdays and Sundays. The site Elders will participate in the services and will stay connected with the members of the sites to make sure their needs are met.
  • I am use to giving by envelope. Can I still give that way?
    Yes, you can still give by envelope. You can mail your tithe and offering to the church (New Creation Christian Fellowship, 8700 Fourwinds Drive, Windcrest, Texas 78239) or bring it to the church during office hours. If you cannot come to the church during office hours, please contact the church by phone (210) 646-7997 and arrangements will be made.
  • How do I get connected to giving online?
    You can give via the website ( or the 8700 app. Click on giving and the system will walk you through the process. We are also working on setting up a Cash App account.
  • Will there be an Easter service?
    Yes, there will be an Easter service and there will be Holy Week services. All of them will be streamed online. Members will be asked to watch the services online. Member should refrain from coming to the church to attend these services.
  • What should we expect during Holy Week?
    For Holy week, we will conduct each service virtually. April 8, 2020 - Holy Wednesday. Pastor Keith Graham will be the speaker. The format will follow the new Wednesday evening streaming format. April 9, 2020 - Maundy Thursday. Pastor Larry Thompson will be the streamingspeaker. After he speaks, the Bishop will provide an explanation about the Foot Washing ceremony and the significance of its observation. While he speaks, still pictures will be shown to illustrate what is customarily performed. There will be no foot washing during this service. April 10, 2020 - Good Friday - (7 Last Words). The church will move forward with the 7 Last Words speakers as planned, but the service will be streamed. Prior to Good Friday the members of New Creation will be encouraged to send in the things that they would like nailed to the cross. There will be a card board cross at the service and the things sent in by the congregation will be put on the cardboard cross with push pins. As each pin is pushed in, a nail will be dropped in the bucket. The altar will be undressed as is customary and the sanctuary will go dark. Members are asked to obey the instructions of our Pastors and to watch the services from their homes.
  • Are we still having the KCICCM Kingdom Conference in June?
    The 2020 Kingdom Conference has been cancelled. In order to be prepared for the conference in June, there are several variables that must take place now and in the months to come. With the uncertainty of when others will be able to travel safely and with the financial challenges that many are experiencing, it was thought best to cancel the conference this year.
  • What’s the best way to receive information and to stay connected?
    All members should make sure they are registered in the Fellowship One database. Emails are sent on a regular basis. If you have access to Facebook, subscribe to the New Creation Christian Fellowship Facebook page. Also, make sure you can get the text messages. Text 71441 and put newcreation (all lowercase ) in the comments section.
  • How can I support my church during these times?
    Stay connected. Join a NCCF Life Group in your local area. Please contact Pastor Thaddeus Greene at or (210) 473-2531. Stay informed. Frequently view the website, NCCF Facebook page, and other electronic means to stay up to date with relevant information. Please share the current information provided with members as provided from our communication team. Stay faithful. In virtual attendance of services. Participate online every time we have service and let us know you’re there. Please share the services on your social media platforms. Be consistent in your personal devotion. (Pray, Study, Worship, Write in your Dream journals). Be faithful in your stewardship. When we give to God first and we give Him our best, He will bless the rest.

God has not given us a spirit of fear!  We will pray together, we will stand together (virtually) and we will support each other through this temporary crisis.  Have faith and know that you have been equipped for this very moment.  If you hear of a need that you can meet, meet it.  If you have a prayer that you can pray, pray it.  If you know a song that you can sing, sing it!  Let’s represent God to the world in every way.  God’s peace be with you!


Your Pastors,


Rev. Dr. Claudette A. Copeland, Pastor Emerita

Bishop David M. Copeland, Senior Pastor


1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.


John 14:26-27 - But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

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