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Grace and Peace New Creation Family and Friends,


We continually thank God for the blessed privilege to serve and to lead this great congregation.  Over the years you have trusted us to seek God in every decision and you have given us unwavering support when decisions are made, and for that we thank you.  Our unity in difficult times has made us strong through the years.


With so many stories circulating regarding the re-opening of various businesses and industries, even with COVID-19 still on the rise, Pastor C and I believe it important to share with you what we and the Executive Committee have discussed and decided as it relates to the re-opening of the New Creation main campus and other campuses.


New Creation Christian Fellowship will not re-open nor return to in person congregational services until there are safeguards in place to ensure the protection the congregation and those who serve in the ministry.  Our decision to remain closed will be through the end of May, 2020.  We will continue to monitor reports and will provide updates as things change.


The COVID-19 virus is not contained.  People are still being infected and there are no medical indications that it is safe to let our guards down.  We cannot dictate what individuals decide to do, but it is our prayerful and prudent decision to continue to stay home, stay safe and to continue to host our worship services online.  We choose to err on the side of wisdom and not put the congregation at risk.


Remember that we love you deeply and we are committed to your spiritual and physical wellbeing.  Please continue to pray for the medical professionals and all of those who cannot participate in the stay home orders.  They are on the front lines fighting this virus and we can show them our gratitude by continuing to follow the guidelines that were designed to keep us safe and reduce their risks.


Wash your hands, sneeze and cough in your arm, wear a mask every time you step outside and when around others, keep 6 feet away from each other and pray that our leaders will use wisdom in their decisions.  


In His Service,


Rev. Dr. Claudette A. Copeland, Pastor Emerita

Bishop David M. Copeland, Senior Pastor


Job 12:12 - Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?


Proverbs 4:6-7 - 6 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. 7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

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